Fares & Passes
Exact fare only. Drivers will not make change.

Fixed Route Fares
Age 60+ & Persons with Disabilities are Free on all Fixed Routes
- See all fixed route Schedules
- Children age five and younger, with an adult, ride free.
- All passengers ride free every Friday.
- Transfers: Free between Whoosh Trolley & Sealine and SmartDART to Fixed Route.
Adults & Youth
One-Way Ride
1-Day Unlimited
31-Day Unlimited

Flex Route Fares
One-Way Ride
One-Way Ride + Flex Stop
1-Day Unlimited
31-Day Unlimited

DART & Other Fares
Learn about DART, SmartDART, ADA Paratransit or Boston Hospital Transportation (BHT) services.
DART Fares | Full Fare | Adults over 60 and Persons with disabilities |
One-Way Ride | $3 | $1.50 |
Bulk Ride Pass (20 for 15) | $45 | $22.50 |
SmartDART | $3 | $3 |
ADA Paratransit | $2.50 | $2.50 |
Boston Hospital Transportation | ||
One-Way | $15 | $15 |
Round Trip | $30 | $30 |
When Is A Pass Activated?
A pass is activated when you first enter the bus and insert the media into or tap the electronic fare box, not when you purchase it.
Expired Passes
Expired passes that have been activated and have exceeded the time they are active, cannot be exchanged for new ones. Day passes are good for unlimited rides during the day they are activated and 31-day passes are good for unlimited rides for 31 days after activation.
Lost, Stolen or Damaged Tickets, Passes
Passes purchased on the GoCard are non-refundable. Fare media must be kept in good condition. Not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged cards. CCRTA may issue a new card against your account if your card is lost or damaged, however any unauthorized activity cannot be refunded.