Reserving Your DART Ride
Before calling be ready with your trip information
- Before calling, please have your travel information, including the full and exact address of your destination.
Reservations must be made at least one weekday before you intend to travel.
- Same day changes and reservations are not permitted.
- Tuesday through Saturday reservations must be made by 12PM the weekday before you intend to travel.
- Reservations for Monday (also Tuesday if Monday is a holiday) must be made by 5PM the Friday before you intend to travel.
- Do not wait to make your reservations! For your convenience, reservations can be made up to one month in advance.
Reservations are accepted by phone M-F 8AM-5PM. Reservations for the next day must be made by 12:00 the previous day.
- Travel reservations can be made M-F 8AM-5PM by dialing the CCRTA Call Center, toll free at (800) 352-7155.

Need To Cancel? Here’s How.
If your travel plans change, please call the CCRTA Call Center as soon as possible to cancel your ride. The CCRTA Call Center telephone answering service is available to assist with cancellations 24/7.
(800) 352-7155.
Please cancel before the day of your reservation.
If the DART bus comes to your home to pick you up and you are not ready to travel, or you cancel your ride at the door, you will be considered a No-Show, and your return trip will automatically be cancelled, unless otherwise requested.
Please read the No-Show Policy below. It is important to understand that repeated No-Shows may result in the loss of your riding privileges on DART.
No-Show & Late Cancellation Policy
The Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority (CCRTA) is committed to providing the highest level of customer service as efficiently as possible. Customers who consistently show up for their scheduled Dial-A-Ride Transportation (DART) trips help us keep costs low and on-time performance high. A pattern or practice by a customer of canceling their scheduled trips without proper notification, referred to as “No-Shows”, has a detrimental impact on the performance and expense of the DART service and causes unnecessary delays to our other passengers.
“No-Show” DART trip event is defined as:
- Late Cancellation – any trip cancellation made after 5PM the night before the scheduled pickup.
- Cancel at the Door – any trip cancellation at the time the bus arrives at the pick-up location and the customer informs the driver they are not boarding the DART bus.
- Failure to board the bus within the five minute load time at their pick-up location. In order to better manage the number of excessive DART trip “No-Shows”, the CCRTA is instituting the following No-Show & Late Cancellation Policy:
Suspensions For Multiple No-Shows
Passenger will be suspended from DART transportation privileges if there are three (3) or more No-Shows within a thirty (30) day period. The customer being suspended will be notified by telephone to inform them of the suspension dates followed by a confirmation of suspension letter. The appropriate agency or third party will be notified, if applicable.
If there is another No-Show at any time during the thirty (30) day period following the end date of the seven (7) day suspension, an additional suspension of thirty (30) days will occur. The customer will be notified by telephone to inform them of the suspension followed by a confirmation of suspension letter.
CCRTA will make every effort after the second No-Show has occurred to contact the customer by telephone to inform them that if they have one more No-Show in the thirty day period they could be suspended for seven (7) days. We thoroughly appreciate your patronage and look forward to continuing to serve you in the future.