ADA Paratransit
ADA Paratransit Fares
ADA Rider Fare
A one-way ADA paratransit ride is $2.50 each way.
Personal Care Attendants
Personal Care Attendant fare is free, but must be indicated on the original application and when making the reservation and both must have the same origin and destination.
You may also bring a companion who will be charged the same fare as you. You and your companion must have the same origin and destination.
ADA ID Cards Vs. Paratransit Passes
These are not the same thing.
ADA ID Cards
Statewide Access Passes are issued by CCRTA to ADA eligible customers with a permanent or temporary disability. The photo ID entitles the bearer to a reduced fare on CCRTA’s fixed-route buses and all public fixed-route buses and MBTA trains in Massachusetts. It is important to understand that ADA eligibility does not replace the Access Pass on the fixed route buses or on the DART bus, but is an additional service available to those who qualify.
Paratransit Passes 20-for-15
DART Passes (20 rides for the price of 15) are available for purchase at the CCRTA
Administrative Offices or from your DART driver (drivers accept cash and checks and cannot make change).
Hyannis Transportation Center
1 Transportation Avenue
Hyannis, MA 02601

CCRTA Paratransit Ride Passes & Ride Payment
Pay at the time you board the bus with either cash or multi-ride passes. Please note that drivers cannot make change so traveling with the exact fare is advisable.
Multi-ride passes are available for purchase from the CCRTA Administrative offices or from your DART driver.